Meal Planning Made Simple

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Recipes created and tested by Registered Dietitians

5 Powerful
Meal Plan Options

What’s for Dinner?

Does that question make you anxious and stressed? Do you need ideas of what to cook? Feeling too stressed and busy to prepare healthy meals for you and your family?

Let our dietitian-created meal plans help! Through my partnership with LivingPlateRx, you can access recipes and meal plans to help you eat better, feel better, and stay on track.

Take the guesswork out of “What’s for dinner?”

Check out this quick video to see how easy it is.

My goal is to change the way people do dinner - so that stress is out of the equation and healthy, quick and tasty meals are on the table in no time!

Check out the quick video for Creole shrimp here.

Meal planning should be used as a guide to give you freedom in your everyday life, not a rigid schedule.

How It Works

Every week, you’ll be able to log into your account to view your meal plan. This will include 3 meals & a snack for each day of your selected plan. The plans all focus on whole foods, easy to follow recipes, and a grocery list to make your life easier. And, plans start at just $9/month!

What You’ll Get

  • A new meal plan each and every week packed with simple & easy to follow nutrient-dense recipes (that are delicious!)
  • Grocery lists that are based on your personalized weekly menu
  • Reduced stress around preparing healthy meals for you & your family
  • A meal planning tool that allows you to move meals around to different days or even replace them with other recipes
  • Access to the recipe database: here you’ll find thousands of dietitian-approved recipes

Want to try it first?

Get a free 5-day trial. All meal plans offer this free trial. If you are still not sure, I will gladly extend. Email me here.


Low FODMAP 5 Day Meal Plan

Low FODMAP contains ingredients considered to be low in Fermentable, Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols. Our Low-Fodmap Menu plan utilizes Monash University guidelines when selecting foods to include in recipes. We strive for 75% low-glycemic-index plant foods and 25% high-quality protein. Low FODMAPs have been shown to provide relief for certain digestive conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It is important to seek a diagnosis and recommendation from your healthcare professional before following a low-FODMAP diet. This plan is gluten-free, light on grains, light on dairy and beans.

Prediabetes/Diabetes 5 Day Meal Plan

The prediabetes/diabetes plan is for individuals looking to reduce inflammation associated with many chronic diseases. This eating style can also help stabilize blood sugars, promote a healthy weight, and normalize hormones. This meal plan is gluten-free, light on grains, light on dairy, light on beans with focus on high quality fats. We strive for 75% low-Glycemic index plant foods and 25% high-quality protein.


28 Day Refresh

The 28-Day Refresh is a great way to get your metabolism humming and jump-start your health. It contains selected low-glycemic recipes aimed at stabilizing blood sugar, maintaining a healthy weight, normalizing hormones, promoting healthy digestion, and reducing inflammation associated with many chronic diseases.

3x4 Genetics: Anti-inflammatory Meal Plan

These plans are to be used in coordination with 3x4 pathway reports. Each week of these plans is built using the WEEKLY FOOD GUIDES that contain food specific to each Pathway.

Interested in more info about the 3x4 Genetic test? Email me here. 


Sun Basket Option

We have partnered with Sun Basket to provide you with a sustainable, healthy eating solution. Each week, your meal plan features three Sun Basket dinner recipes; simply follow the link on your dinner card for that day. These Registered Dietitian-approved recipes will arrive straight to your door as a meal kit, featuring fresh, pre-measured ingredients including organic produce and nourishing whole foods, with easy-to-follow recipes—no grocery shopping required.

For the rest of your week, our meal planner and smart grocery list make it easy to create simple cook-at-home meals and snacks.

*Meal plan subscription does not include cost of meal kit deliveries.

Too tired to cook?

Try ModifyHealth's pre-made low FODMAP meals delivered to your door.
Use Discount code: Duke60


Purchase products through our Fullscript virtual dispensary.


Ultimate Guide to Nutrition for Optimal Immunity

Modern life keeps us in a state of chronic stress much of the time with little time to pause between putting out fires in our lives or keeping up with relentless demands.

Are you in a constant state of survival mode? Feeling pandemic burnout? Worried about COVID and how that may affect your immune system? Are you getting the nutrients you need to keep your immune system strong?

Includes recipes to jumpstart your immune system for better health

Includes recipes to jumpstart your immune system for better health